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AVID, Promoting Innovative Partnerships for People, Place, and Environment.


Remember the time when Betty Crocker partnered with Hershey’s to include chocolate syrup in its signature brownie recipe? Not many would argue whether such an innovative partnership promoted the growth of both companies or not.

What does that example have to do with the topic though? Well, what you need to understand is that in order for us to explore new horizons towards a collective sustainable, and equitable future, this harmonious way of creating a collaborative environment is what we should be aiming for.


AVID has recognized the huge potential of innovative partnerships for sustainable development. We need to ensure that we are creating the right conditions to innovate, as people’s lives and well-being are at stake.

The company was built around one main concern, the need to develop a truly integrated, holistic, and people-centric approach to the design, construction, operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, and recyclability of buildings.


Sustainable Development “5 P’s”.

Sustainable development has 5 pillars, or “5 P’s”: people, planet, prosperity, as well as peace and partnerships. Our projects are designed as an interconnection between those pillars, placing sustainability at the core.

Our vision was based upon people’s needs and wishes, which are the driving forces behind the sustainable built environment. Therefore, community-led urban development should be enabled by the innovative model.

Innovation is viewed as the most important engine of economic growth. Simply put, innovation plays a vital role in supporting all three dimensions of development – economic, environmental, and social.


Innovative partnerships can significantly improve the quality of life by:

  • Boosting efficiency, economic growth, modernization, and the creation of decent jobs.
  • Bolstering renewable energy technologies in order to raise economic competitiveness.
  • Endorse creativity and access to knowledge.
  • Help make Amman a more attractive location for international companies to invest.

Conservatively transaction or funding arrangements have limited capacities and cannot solve all the challenges we are facing today. Consequently AVID had to make a bold move towards synergistic partnerships, bringing together the actors with the right skills, resources, and networks to address those challenges.


Addressing today’s challenges in a creative and sophisticated mechanism.

Expertise, knowledge and experience, funding, and the ability to unite individuals who are seeking to make a difference, resulting in more creative solutions to development challenges, working together is the only way sustainable development strategy would thrive.

There’s no other way around it: innovative partnerships are not easy to build, Therefore, we designed this platform to communicate in an efficient way with the community, share our expertise and release our latest feasible projects developed by our team of experts to ensure a sustainable future.

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